People in Third World don't want to live on hand -outs. Just the chance to work themselves out of poverty. To live dignified, healthy and independent lives. N'hopo means to see they get the support they need.
Helping those who are in need
New Hope For The Poor have set up a charity organisation to help and to relieve the suffering of disabled, lame and infirm in Ghana, South Africa, Camaroon, Nigeria, Ivery Coast, Kenya, Uganda, Angola, Zaire, Tanzania, Etheopia and other African Countries.
Some of these disabled people can only move about on their hands and knees. This is their only means of getting about from place to place and subjects them to dust and car fumes. Their hands and knees get cut by broken glass and rough stones. Their limbs become sore which is a very painful way of live.
What We Intend To Do
NEW HOPE FOR THE POOR, Intends to help communities in Africa, threatened by disease, starvation and unemployment to become self-supporting again, by providing seeds and tools for poor farmers, helping those without good drinking water to dig their own wells and to encourage communities to develop and create employment schemes.
In Third World Africa, 51% of the children don’t have clean, safe water to drink. The world’s most dangerous child killer is not war or starvation. It’s diarrhoea. Spread by drinking dirty water, diarrhoea kills more small children than anything else, there is also the problem of blindness associated with washing and drinking contaminated water infested with fly’s larvae. Also recent scientific research carried out by the World Organisation showed that the Sahara Desert is expanding each year. At the moment it covers about 9 million square kilometres (two-fifths of Africa).
The organisation is still working to address the problems and still working with poor people in Africa regardless of race or religion in their struggle against hunger, disease, exploitation and poverty. Many of the problems are usually easily solved by building new wells providing clean, safe water, vaccination to protect them against infection – but if we have no money whatsoever, this cannot be carried out