Kweku Ananse The Wisest King

You can call him the king of tricks, King of`deception, King of liars and you will never be far from being right. Kweku Ananse is a mischievous character whose main purpose of existing on till earth is to deceive people to believe i it what is not the truth. Ananse lived in a community of […]

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The Legendary Kweku 3

FOREWORD This is the third in the series – THE LEG­ENDARY KWEKU ANANSE STORIES. As the children like the stories, I will continue to research and give them more. I have noticed that some of me wisdom in the Ananse Stories are profound and will instil moral discipline in most children. I hope all children […]

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The Legendary Kweku

FOREWORD This is the second of the series — THE LEGEND­ARY KWEKU ANANSE STORIES. Most of these stories are very old and every tribe in Ghana has their version. Kweku Ananse, his wife and children have different names with every tribe. For the sake of uniformity, I prefer to adopt the Akan version of their […]

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Ananse The American Man

Onyamekrom was a very big village. It was always peaceful and the people lived happily among themselves even though there were not many jobs in the village. There was no hospital or clinic in Onyamekrom. The only school in the village was up to class six. There was no electricity. The only thing that put […]

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Ananse And the Three Cruel Friends

Three cruel friends lived in Anansekrom; they were Bedu a farmer, Ato, a large cattle owner and Adu, a wicked hunter. These men were very wealthy because their businesses were successful. Despite their wealth, the men were not sociable and kind as they should be; they were very stingy and fussy. Thus, Ananse the trickster […]

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Anansie and the Giant Bird

  Chapter One Long, long ago. the fowl folks lived on a very beautiful island called Nkukokrom. The island was very fertile and filled with gold, diamond and silver. So, the fowl folks had a lot of food to eat and much money to spend. They were very happy and content with what they had. […]

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Ananse and his friends, the rabbit, the monkey and the grasscutter decided to make a big banana farm in Nsukrom. The chief of the town, who was the Deer, gave them a big plot of land to farm on. So, for days, the four friends tirelessly worked on the land, till the land was cleared. […]

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Amanda is becoming a very stubborn girl that when she is not checked properly and corrected; will be a disgrace to us one day. Mr. Davidson was talking with anger in his voice to his wife whom he called Vicky; they both got married when they had finished school and gotten jobs to do in […]

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Ananse in Parliament

(Obolo and Mr. Quainoo are sitting quietly under a tree. Mr. Quainoo is chewing a stick busily).   Obolo: Good morning Mr. Quainoo.    Mr. Quainoo: Why haven’t you greeted me all this while?    Obolo: Oh “Opanyin” is that what l get for a response to my greetings?    Mr Quainoo: No l am […]

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Once upon a time in a town called Asempaneye lived a great but ugly king called Monkey. With all his success he lacked something so important in life, he was unmarried. As a solution to his problem, the elders met to discuss finding a wife for their king but the king did not agree for […]

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PEACE stood beside the well-polished mahogany table in the ultra modern dining room, holding onto a chair for support. She stared for a long time at the mouth watering dish on the table, the aroma wafting to her nose and making her feel sick. Taking her eyes off the food, her gaze settle on the […]

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Ananse and his wife Okornoreyaa were invited to a party organised by Okornoreyaa’s sister called Brayie  who was celebrating her 40th birthday. This is what ensued between them before they arrived at the party. Okornoreyaa:  Ananse you should stay and let me go alone the place is very far besides, I thought u said you […]

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GOD LOOKS FOR ORGANIZERS FOR THE PARTY   Many years ago, God decided to make a party for the Animal Kingdom. It was to be a very big party because all the kings and chief in the kingdom were going to be present. It was going to include many other domestic and wild animals. In […]

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Once in a town called Kanamentie lived Ananse in a hut. Inhabitants were mostly farmers who grow foodstuffs such as Yam, Cassava, Plantain etc. as well as Fruits. He lived in a hut because he was too lazy to build his own house. Whilst others rose early to their farms to work for food but […]

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“ Nana Nyansa, of Nyansaye Town” had only one child, a beautiful girl called Adiefe. The king would not like to see his beautiful daughter leave the palace so he decided that he could give her away only to a man who could to drink a cup of boing water and remain alive. Many young […]

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PEACE stood beside the well-polished mahogany table in the ultra modern dining room, holding onto a chair for support. She stared for a long time at the mouth watering dish on the table, the aroma wafting to her nose and making her feel sick. Taking her eyes off the food, her gaze settle on the […]

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Long time ago, there lived a great lion and all the other Animals in the deep forest. Lion was the great king of the forest and Monkey was his best friend at that time. Lion was kind and always walking together with Monkey when he was very hungry. Other animals in the forest were jealous […]

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Once upon a time, there lived a famous rich man called Kwaku Odombo in the small village of Akwasikrom. He had two children. The names of the daughter was Yaa Serwah and the son was called Ananse. Ananse was the elder brother of Yaa Seerwah and they were living happily with their parents in the […]

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